Powder Coating

High Quality Powder Coating Finishes

Powder Coating is an advanced method of applying a decorative and protective finish to a wide range of materials and products that are used by both industrial and consumers. The powder used for the process is a mixture of finely ground particles of pigment and resin, which is sprayed onto a surface to be coated. The charged powder particles adhere to the electrically grounded surfaces until heated and fused into a coating in a curing oven. The result is a uniform high quality and attractive finish.

Contact Powder Works today to request a free quote for any size powder coating project your business or facility has to offer.

Powder Coating for All Applications

Manufacturing and Industrial Parts and Equipment

Fencing and Gates

Motorcycle Parts


Car Parts



Small Trailers

Have a powder coating project in mind? Call (817) 382-9811 to discuss how we can help!

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